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Current Projects

Hope School is always working on something. Whether it is a project to improve life for the students at the school, or to help raise income for school needs, constant additions and improvements are being made to the school buildings and grounds. Many of these projects are funded by generous donors both locally and overseas, without which these projects would never be possible. 

Moving the Dormatories

Outer part of new dorms as of 2019


A couple of years ago, we began efforts to move the dormitories of the boarders out of the school and into the old director’s house. We have completed much of the necessary renovations, but there is still some more work to be done. Due to a lack of funding, the project was put on hold, but this year, we hope to complete it! This Giving Tuesday you can partner with us in making this a reality. Learn more about this initiative at https://www.hopesschoolbeitjala.com/giving-tuesday.


We believe the new dorms will give the boarders more privacy and help them to have a sense of home here. Instead of living and going to school inside the same building, we want the boarding students to feel like they are coming from their home to school and returning to it when school has ended. We believe this will have a positive impact on the attitude of the students who live on Hope School's premises.


With the boarding section moved outside the main school building, we will also have several more rooms available in the main complex. Some of these will be turned into new classrooms, and others will become new guestrooms, in order to accommodate more visitors to Hope School as well as providing more living space for the volunteers.    


Some progrss has been made! Sept 2019


In 2015, we began part of the second phase of building an indoor gymnasium at Hope School. This gym will be incredibly beneficial not only to the school, but also to the community. It will provide a space for physical education classes, various school sports teams and extracurricular presentations like choir recitals and plays. Once completed, it will also serve as a source of sustainable income for the school as we rent it out in the evenings to various teams. This is one project that due to other financial stressors, we are working on finding the funds to finish it.

Elementary Section 

West corridor

Sept 2019

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As we continue to expand our school to offer K-12, we also require the physical space to be able to do so!


We have two long corridors on the main floor of the school. Currently, some of the rooms in the West corridor are occupied by our boarders, who will soon be moved to our new boarding section in a separate building from the school. Once this is cleared, we plan to make this the elementary section, while the other hallway will be strictly the high school section.


As we make these changes, we are beginning to get some necessary renovations done. We plan to replace the wooden doors, renovate the bathrooms, repaint the walls, and add tiling to part of the walls. Tiling walls has been extremely important in lessening the humidity in the rooms during winter, and thus lessening water damage on the walls. We've already experienced some damage in the walls, and see tiling as necessary to prevent future damage in the school. 







Fourth Grade

Current grade 3 students!

Sept 2019


Support a classroom, Build a future.

All students deserve to have the tools they need to learn. Together, we make that possible.


Next September (2020), we hope to add the fourth grade for our students to continue at Hope School! It has been a joy to watch our first kindergarten class continue their studies at Hope School, and our community, especially the families most vulnerable, are very grateful for the implementation of our elementary. Later on in the school year we will be looking to hire a new teacher for this new class. 


Discover how you can help by exploring the needs below. We would love for you to partner with us! 

  • A Chair: $ 21                  

  • A Desk: $ 50

  • A White board: $ 60

  • Library corner: $ 70

  • Drawers: $ 110

  • Lockers: $ 125

  • Coat hangers: $ 28

  • Visual aids: $ 190                     


By contributing to one or more of the items listed above you will play an important part in educating children and transforming the lives of vulnerable youth, and helping bring small dreams to life.

To donate, please use one of the following methods:

  • Global Ministries - United Methodist Church (Hope School # 12018A) (accepts checks)

  • Bank transfer

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept checks directly. If you have a problem with the above payment methods or have any other questions, please contact us at info@hopeschoolpal.com.


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