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Latest Updates

Alumni Profile - Bahaa Zaki
In our last newsletters, we have begun to feature some past alumni. We are incredibly proud to see where they are now and how much they...

Garden of Peace
This past month we had the honor of having Bishop Koikoi, Bishop Devedhar, Rev. Bob Castello, and Sara Crump visit the school and plant...

A Story Worth Sharing
Hope School recently received a message from a friend who visited our school long ago, and with her permission, we wish to share her...

Christmas Celebrations have begun!
Christmas celebrations have begun! Santa Claus is in town! Today each elementary class shared beautiful dances, words, and songs that...

Teachers - We honor you.
In celebration of Teacher's Day this past week, we want to say to all the teachers in Hope School as well as the whole of Palestine that...

A visit from Young Life
Today at morning chapel we had the pleasure of having Young Life share an encouraging and challenging message as well as a live art...

Emergency evacuation training day
As part of Ministry of Education program for emergency situations, the Civil Defense Department in Bethlehem visited the school to...
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